TENANTS in Dalmuir are to benefit from almost £3000 of investment. 

A new seating area and extra whirly gigs will be provided for 20 residents.

Loretto Housing Association flat tenants in Beardmore Street were given the chance to put forward ideas to make their community a better place to live.

This was through the 'You Choose' challenge, first asking tenants to take a short online survey about what they think the area needed most and how they would like to see £2800 invested.

Options included a new seating area with planters and extra whirly gigs; an extended drying area with clothes poles or upgrading the lift entrance.

Laura Henderson, managing director of Loretto Housing Association, said: “We are committed to putting tenants at the heart of our decisions and we gave them the option to decide what to do with the money.

“They came up with some excellent ideas and we put it to the vote. They voted overwhelmingly for the seating area which they will be able to use in better weather and for Living well activities as well.”