PICKING a career can be daunting for anyone but the kids at Edinbarnet Primary School are ahead of the pack and have already began to plan for their futures.

Thanks to a careers fair held at the school recently, youngsters from primary one upward were able to try their hand at being a forensic scientist, a nurse, a police officer and even a journalist.

Local business owners and workers came along to show the pupils what they do everyday, from staff at West College Scotland’s Clydebank Campus to John McMonagle, the face behind the beloved McMonagles chippy on a boat.

Active Schools brought along some fun sporting equipment to try out and even a few of the parents got involved, with one mechanic dad bringing along the parts of engine for the kids to get to grips with.

Sinead Connelly, a teacher at the school who organised the inaugural event, said she hoped it would encourage the children to think about what skills they’ll need for their dream job as they progress through school.

She said: “We’re trying to open up the kids’ eyes to the world of work.

“For the older pupils, they’re thinking about subjects they’ll need to take in secondary school to progress at a career and that’s what we want them to be thinking about.

“This is our very first one but it has been worth every minute of it and everybody that we phoned has been so supportive about coming in and we’re lucky that we have so many parents getting involved with it.”