CLYDEBANK Titans Rugby Club recently held a festival to celebrate the sport.

The event took place on Sunday, May 26 at the Clydebank Community Sports Hub in Whitecrook.

Teams were invited from across the West of Scotland, with the Titans' Primary 4 and 5 side winning gold. 

And Diane Ward, who is one of the coaches, opened up about her pride at what the club has achieved. 

"The festival is always in a tournament format and our festival is usually the last of the season, so we invited five clubs over," she said.

"I have been a coach for two years after my daughter Katie encouraged me to get involved.

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"The club was established in 1969 and we take kids from the community.

"It is all voluntary and is a mix of boys and girls."

Diane coaches the side along with Billy McGregor and Sandy Lister.

And she detailed the importance of creating a positive environment.

"As well as rugby we teach them about the importance of exercise and having a good diet," she continued. 

"We also do activities with them. Parents and volunteers play a vital part in helping us succeed. It is very much a grassroots club.

"It is a great sport for highlighting the importance of teamwork and while there are obviously individual aspects to it, we make clear that trusting others is vital."