Clydebank manager Gordon Moffat admits he is blown away by the backing of Bankies fans after the club smashed their modern-day record of season ticket sales.

The club have already surpassed last season's total of 264 season books sold - itself a record at the time - to hit the magic 265 number with still two days to go of their early bird offer, which finishes on June 30.

Now, as a way to celebrate the milestone moment and thank fans, Bankies bosses are extending the early bird offer until Monday, July 3.

And gaffer Moff told the Clydebank Post the show of support by loyal followers of his side never ceases to amaze him as he prepares his troops for their first pre-season game at Holm Park this Saturday against East Stirlingshire.

He said: "It's amazing, to be honest.

"It was going to be a tough ask to beat last year's number but I believe we are through that now.

"We are on the way to 300 season tickets now and we aren't even in July yet which is phenomenal for a club in tier six and it is going to be such a big help to us.

"I've said it a couple of times already over the summer, our record last year at home was very good and much improved on the year before and I do believe that the fan numbers really helped in that.

"It's huge for me, it's huge for the players to run out on a Saturday at 2 o'clock and see that backing.

"It gives you a wee edge straight away.

"I can't thank the fans enough, I am buzzing."

READ NEXT: Bankies fans can spread cost of season tickets after club launch new initiative

UCS membership secretary Paul Cummings told the Post the manager has been nipping his ear for weeks asking about how many tickets they have sold and believes the new payment plan initiative introduced this year has helped fans spread the cost.

He said: "The Bankies support has never been in doubt but we were blown away by last season's sales of 264 so to reach that again with four weeks to the season kicks off is phenomenal.

"The payment plan option has really helped others get on board which has been really pleasing as we value our community ownership. 

"To celebrate and thank the fans, we’re going to extend the early bird offer until Monday and we’ll be including the Jeanfield Swifts friendly on 22nd July as part of the package."