In Clydebank and across West Dunbartonshire we have some amazing people, ordinary people, who give up their time to help to make the lives of others a little better.

Centre81 Steering Group, inspiring and empowering young people in Whitecrook, Dunbartonshire Disability Sports Club, South Eastern Division Girl Guiding, just some of the dozens of groups in our area working for our communities.

Now some do get paid, but the vast majority depend on volunteers.

Everyday people wanting to make life a little better, wanting to give our children a focus, something better than just hanging around doing nothing.

These groups are vital for our children. Without the hard work and dedication put in by all those involved these clubs would simply disappear, so please, support these clubs. If possible help out for a few hours – a couple of hours a week can make a huge difference to a child.

So that’s it, Brexit is here. The UK is no longer part of the EU and with that comes huge uncertainty, so many things we take for granted could be swept away.

Going on holiday for instance will now be very different. No more floating through customs and no more stocking up in the old duty free, though that wont impact for a few months yet. Get in now while the going is good.

Read more: OPINION Councillor Danny Lennie: Boris and co. are out of their depth

But the biggest concern is the protections we have taken for granted. Protections guaranteed by being a member of the EU, workers’ rights could be under threat, paid holidays, sick leave, the right to strike if needed, these things will all be looked at by the Tory government, you know, those caring chaps who think £100 for breakfast is normal.

Now, more than ever before, we will need and depend on our unions. They will be the last barriers to saving our rights and freedoms.

If you are not a member of any union then I urge you to join one. One day you could wake up and it will be all gone.

Remember, unity creates strength.