WE spoke to constituents in Clydebank to get their verdict on the General Election and find out what they think will happen locally as a result of the change in UK government. 

Douglas McAllister was elected as the new Labour MP for West Dunbartonshire, winning the seat from the SNP's Martin Docherty-Hughes who had held it since 2015.

It is a result which comes as part of a landslide victory for Sir Keir Starmer's party which returned to government for the first time since 2010.

The count at Clydebank Leisure Centre, which required over 100 members of staff, finished at 2.55am when the declaration was made by Returning Officer Peter Hesset who announced that 39,584 votes were cast in the constituency - a turnout of 57.5 per cent.

McAllister was elected with 19,312 out of 39,584 votes cast - a majority of 6,010.

The Post spoke to Clydebank residents to get their thoughts on the change of UK government, as well as the local elected representative, and to find out their hopes for the future.

Topics that came up more once included poverty, transport links and a lack of facilities for young people.

(Image: Newsquest) Henry McCombe, 70, feels the cost of living crisis is a real issue in the area and he is relieved at the change of government in Westminster.

"In my opinion the Tories have destroyed the country," he said. "I am a socialist but can’t see the Labour Party ever forming a government in that vain as they have always had to go to the centre to get elected in modern politics.

"I hope Labour will help pensioners and families who are struggling. Children should not be starving in a country as rich as this.

"Poverty is a national issue of course but here in Clydebank it is a problem that really needs some action taken on it.

"The area needs more investment. I was not aware of the previous MP in this area and don't really have an opinion on Douglas McAllister."

(Image: Newsquest)

Agnes Grant does not feel much will change under a Labour government.

READ MORE: West Dunbartonshire elects Douglas McAllister as Labour MP

She is, however, happy that the SNP no longer holds the West Dunbartonshire constituency.

"Local services could really be improved in terms of health care, transport and education," the 78-year-old said.

"Social housing is needed to help combat rough sleepin. More facilities are needed for young people.

"I am unsure on who the other candidates were if I am honest. I just didn’t want the SNP to remain in as I haven’t been impressed with the previous representative locally.

"I don’t really have an opinion on new Labour MP. I do feel like not a lot will change overall."

(Image: Newsquest)

Jimmy Borland, who previously worked in John Brown's shipyard, was also happy to see a change of government at Westminster but feels it will be difficult for Starmer to make wholesale changes as Prime Minister due to the economic challenges.

"I have been Labour all my days and we had to get the Tories out," the 66-year-old said. "It will be difficult to change things but improving the NHS nationally and locally would be a start.

'The same could be said for education system as well. Locally another issue is the roads and a lot more could be done with the shopping centre.

"Young people as well are having a really tough time so more could be done to help them.

"No-one should be starving."

(Image: Newsquest)

John Nally, 59, worries about the future for his children and feels a lot more could be done to improve public services locally.

"I think it is a very mixed picture across the UK," he said. "Things are very volatile, both nationally and locally.

"I have been voting SNP in General Elections since the 1980s and while I am happy the Conservative Party is no longer in power, that feeling is blunted by the fact that it looks like Scotland has missed a real opportunity to be an independent country.

"I do not think there will be much economic improvement in the near future and any change that does not come will not be quick enough to help those most vulnerable.

"Poverty and inequality are rife across the UK, and in Clydebank, and I do not see any plans from the Labour Party, or the new MP in West Dunbartonshire, that will be able to fix these problems.

"I feel young people have been given a really raw deal."