A GROUP of local singers have marked a significant milestone.

Clydebank Ladies Choir celebrated 25 years of existence with a concert at Dalmuir Barclay Church on Friday, June 7.

The group contains more than 30 people, of all ages, and they sing a mix of different songs each week.

And Kathleen Sinclair, who has been a member of the choir for over two years, opened up on the occasion.

"We followed the program of songs from over the years and we had a special performance from our guest singer Liz McEachen," she said.

"The choir also accompanied her in singing ‘Climb Every Mountain’.

(Image: Clydebank Ladies Choir) "At the interval, we had cake and tea/coffee and we had a table set up with the 25th anniversary advertising such as leaflets and things like that.

"There was a wee donations basket and some people donated which was very kind of them.

"We also had a raffle at the interval and tickets were sold for that as people came in the door.

"I feel like we celebrate 25 years in style."

The event was a sell-out, with over 100 people attending, including local MSP Marie McNair and Provost Douglas McAllister.

Throughout the evening photographs were beamed above the choir showing memories of the group over the years.

(Image: Clydebank Ladies Choir) And Kathleen insists all the members are delighted with how the event went.

"Everyone is still on a high from the concert," she continued.

"It went really well and there was a real sense of pride when it came to an end.

"We are a close-knit group, and that includes Claire Johnston [pianist] and Vivien Gibson [musical director].

"It is a real privilege to perform with these women."

Four members remain from the original group that formed 25 years ago.

Nan Stevenson, Sandra Young, Margaret Rice and Carol Lynn have been there since the beginning.

(Image: Clydebank Ladies Choir)

And they were honoured after the concert with engraved crystal glasses.

Kathleen explained the importance of recognising the longest-serving members.

"It was a surprise to all four of them and they were clearly delighted," she added.

"They received a big round of applause which was nice to see.

"All of them have played such a vital role in keeping the choir going so it felt right to recognise their contribution."

(Image: Clydebank Ladies Choir) The group rehearses at Dalmuir Barclay Church, every Monday between 7.30pm and 9.30pm.