CLYDEBANK residents are being asked to vote for a new councillor.

A by-election is being held in the Clydebank Central ward following the resignation of disgraced former independent councillor Craig Edward in March.

Seven parties have selected who will contest the vote on Thursday, June 13.

The successful candidate will join the three councillors who currently represent this ward; councillor Diane Docherty (Independent), councillor Clare Steel (Labour), and councillor Sophie Traynor (Scottish National Party).

In the last local election held in 2022, there was a 41 per cent turnout.

According to West Dunbartonshire Council's website, Diane Docherty received the highest number of first preference votes (1903), Craig Edward received the second highest (1199), Clare Steel received the third highest (645), and Sophie Traynor received the fourth highest (531).

Ahead of the vote next week the Post contacted each of the parties who have put candidates forward to find out more about what they are promising residents if elected.

Candidates for the Clydebank Central by-election

Fiona Hennebry – Scottish Labour Party

Fiona Hennebry Fiona Hennebry (Image: West Dunbartonshire Council) Fiona Hennebry is a member of the Scottish Labour Party.

Alongside Leighann Hennebry she runs a charity called Bags Full of Love.

The group, based in Clydebank business park, provides backpacks for vulnerable young people filled with essential age-appropriate items.

Fiona also runs a community pantry and drop-in cafe in Dalmuir Barclay Church.

Both Fiona and Leighann were named as West Dunbartonshire’s Citizen of the Year in 2022.

Fiona's key issues include tackling homelessness, investing in public and council services, regenerating the local economy and expanding public transport.

"I live in the ward with my family and I have seen what 14 years of a Tory government and 17 years of underfunding from an SNP government in Holyrood has done to my community," she said.

"I want to tackle the issues that we are all facing due to both of these governments for example, the cost of living crisis, which I see first-hand the impact it is having on working families and people on benefits who are struggling to heat their homes and pay their bills."

Nathan Hennebry – Communist Party of Britain

Nathan HennebryNathan Hennebry (Image: Nathan Hennebry) Nathan Hennebry, 22, is a member of the Communist Party of Britain and the Young Communist League.

He is the chair for GMB Scotland’s Young Workers, the vice convenor and secretary for his workplace trade union branch, and a member of Fans Supporting Food Banks.

Nathan's key issues include social housing, opposing budget cuts, and public transport. 

He said: “I think the biggest thing is fighting against the cuts that are happening right now. My campaign is pushing for a zero-cuts budget.

“Housing is a massive issue. We’re seeing social and private landlords preying on those in need of housing.

“We need more council housing and the council housing we do have needs to be examined to see if there are possibilities of retrofitting to make sure they’re of a higher quality for those already living there.

“We’re also looking to campaign for a publicly owned bus company that runs for the people and not profit."

Ewan McGinnigle – Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

Ewan McGinnigleEwan McGinnigle (Image: Ewan McGinnigle) Ewan McGinnigle, 19, is a member of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.

He told the Post his main issues include protection, investment, and engagement.

He said: “I got into politics at a very young age. I’ve been a Conservative since the Independence Referendum.

“I’m very passionate about the unionist movement. When this by-election came up I knew I had to put my name in.

“I really care about local politics. I’ve been working with the Conservatives for over a year now. My main standing points are investment, protection, and engagement.

“Clydebank has the foundations to be a really positive, high-growth, economy town but unfortunately it’s been let down.

“Very few towns have the potential that Clydebank has. If we get a funding package from Holyrood and funding from the council it needs to be pushed towards business opportunities, apprenticeships, things that are going to uplift the people of Clydebank’s lives and support the economy in growing in the local area.

“We need to protect what’s really important to Clydebank and the things that help its economy.

“Then there’s engagement. Too often we see local politicians do not engage with the local area.

"I can assure you if I am elected I will hold regular surgeries and make an effort to engage multiple times on a weekly basis.”

Andrew Joseph Muir – Independent

Andrew MuirAndrew Muir (Image: Andrew Muir) Andrew Muir, 65, is an independent candidate.

He has stood in various elections over the past ten years.

Andrew’s key issues include mental health, legal aid, library closures, and Flamingo Land.

He said: “I’ve stood in about six elections over the last ten years. I’m from a chess background and a religious background.

“I’m a member of the Scottish Family Party. I want to look at what mental health officers in Clydebank do.

“If I was elected I’d try and get free legal aid so that if you’re arrested you’d get free legal aid even if you’ve got a job.

“I love the libraries and I’m sick of the closures. I’d stop all library closures and finally, I’d say no to Flamingo Land.”

Kai Robert Murray Pyper – Scottish Liberal Democrats

Kai Robert Murray Pyper is a member of the Scottish Liberal Democrats.

The Post has contacted the Scottish Liberal Democrats however at the time of publication they had not responded.

Marina Scanlan – Scottish National Party (SNP)

Marina ScanlanMarina Scanlan (Image: Marina Scanlan) Marina Scanlan is a member of the SNP.

Her key issues include community assets, library closures, regeneration, opposing budget cuts, and health & social care.

Marina said: “I’ve lived in Clydebank all my life and I'm still here. I want to talk about the positive difference I’d make as a local councillor.

“I want to make every positive difference I can by standing up for communities and not budget cuts.

"I’ll hold this Labour administration accountable by standing up for our local residents. Every resident that comes to me for help, I will fight for more facilities for them and assets in central wards not less.

“Politics starts at home and it affects us like our grass cutting and our brown bins. Health & social care is an area of interest that I want to highlight and help in any way I can.”

Kelly Wilson – Sovereignty

Kelly WilsonKelly Wilson (Image: Kelly Wilson) Kelly Wilson, 54, is a member of the Sovereignty Party.

Her main issues include social housing, waste management, and anti-social behaviour.

Kelly said: "I’m a Scottish nationalist and I believe in independence. I’ve been in politics for the best part of 30 years now and I was also a trade union representative for a few years so I am totally on the side of workers.

"One of the things at the top of my list is holding the council to account for their actions or non-actions as well as their spending.

“The issue with waste management is becoming worse and worse all over West Dunbartonshire.

"Public bins are not emptied regularly so they’re overflowing and drawing vermin. This needs to change.

"We don’t have enough social housing and it’s not just that we don’t have enough, the council properties are not being maintained properly.

“Residents are waiting very long times for repairs. The levels of anti-social behaviour prove there’s not enough on offer for young people in Clydebank.

“We don’t have anything for young or old people."