A Clydebank group has helped raise more than £8500 for Cancer Research UK.

Members of the Slimming World groups in Clydebank and West Glasgow recently took part in this year’s Glasgow Race for Life.

The teams, who took part by walking, jogging, and running, raised an impressive £8549.50 which will go towards crucial research that aims to find new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer.

Clydebank Post: All smiles!All smiles! (Image: Slimming World)Many participants had overcome significant health challenges and made big lifestyle changes.

So, their participation was not just about crossing the finish line but also symbolising personal victories.

Clydebank Post:

Clydebank Post: A Slimming World spokesperson said: “The money raised by the Clydebank and West Glasgow participants is a testament to their hard work, both in training for the event and in their fundraising efforts.

“Each pound represents the generosity of friends, family, and the local community who supported these determined participants.

“Beyond the impressive fundraising total, the event served as a celebration of the members’ personal achievements.

“Many participants’ involvement was a fitting culmination of their hard work, showing that they can achieve great things together.

“Their success in the Glasgow Race for Life 2024 is a shining example of how collective action, driven by compassion and determination, can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

“We applaud the Clyde and West Glasgow Slimming World members.”

Clydebank Post:

Clydebank Post:

Clydebank Post: Race for Life is a series of fundraising events across the UK – running from May 4 to July 28 - designed to bring people together to fight cancer through sponsored walks, jogs, and runs.

The total raised from the Glasgow event was more than £750,000.

Around 7000 people reportedly took part on the day.