A man kicked and damaged both sides of a front door when his partner objected to him being drunk.

Jason Tosh, of Jean Armour Drive, Clydebank, previously admitted to refusing to leave when she asked in February 1 this year.

The 35-year-old appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court on May 21 for sentencing.

The court heard that Tosh's partner left for work at 3am and when she returned at 4.10pm, Tosh appeared under the influence of alcohol.

Due to his state, she asked him to leave, at which point he became abusive, shouting and swearing at her.

Tosh kicked the inside of the front door, causing damage to the handle. He then went outside into the common close and began kicking the door from the other side, again causing damage to the handle.

Neighbours heard a commotion and saw the accused as agitated.

The partner called police, who later traced Tosh.

Defence solicitor Judith Reid said her client pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity to shouting, refusing to leave, repeatedly kicking the front door and acting in an aggressive manner towards his partner in Faifley.

The offence was aggravated by being against a partner or ex.

Ms Reid said Tosh felt "embarrassed at how he behaved".

She said his partner "had every right to take umbrage at the situation" but wished the relationship to continue.

"There remains an alcohol problem and in terms of the relationship and how he deals with that," added Ms Reid.

Sheriff Simon Pender imposed a community payback order with social work supervision for two years. There is a requirement he completes the Caledonia Men's Programme. The court will review his progress in three months.

No non-harassment order was imposed.