AN asylum seeker who tried to bite an employee's hand in a police office has been ordered to do unpaid work.

Stanislaw Baszkowski appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court for sentencing and was said to have claimed asylum in the UK from Poland.

It was heard on May 21 how the 38-year-old was being processed at Clydebank police office when the offence happened.

Around 1.15pm on May 23, 2023, he was intoxicated and made an attempt to bite the hand of a member of staff at the station in Montrose Street.

No contact was made as the man was able to move his hand away in time.

Baszkowski, of Linkwood Crescent, Drumchapel, was not cautioned and charged at the time because he was so drunk.

He later pleaded guilty to assault by attempting to bite a man on the hand.

Defence solicitor Scott Adair said his client had been held at the Dungavel House immigration removal centre but was released under electronic monitoring by the Home Office.

Sheriff Simon Pender asked: "He came here from Poland seeking asylum?"

"That's my understanding," replied Mr Adair.

He added that his client's criminal record was caused by alcohol difficulties. He was addressing those, however.

Sheriff Pender imposed a community payback order with supervision by social workers for the next 12 months. He must take any alcohol and other counselling as directed.

He must also do 240 hours of unpaid work within that time. This is a direct alternative to custody.