PROJECTS in West Dunbartonshire have been among those to receive a boost from the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund.

A total of 25 groups were successful in securing funding for projects which included Clydebank-based Stepping Stones Mental Health Charity, Awestruck Academy, Kinship Carers West Dunbartonshire, Clyde Shopmobility, and Old Kilpatrick Food Parcels.

The fund supports mental health and addresses social isolation and loneliness in adults, it also targets older people, areas of economic deprivation, people with long-term health conditions or disability and there is also a focus on responding to the cost of living crisis.

At a meeting of Community Planning West Dunbartonshire Management Board on Thursday, May 16, board members received an update on the awards made by the Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund during 2023/24.

The updated report showed that a range of community groups supporting residents in West Dunbartonshire received a share of £265,000.

Clare Steel, Clydebank Central councillor,  said: “I fully understand the hardship and struggles that many individuals and families experience on a daily basis and the debilitating impact that this can have on their mental health and wellbeing.

"Knowing that there are volunteers in our communities who are investing their time and energy to help others is so comforting to families.

"The practical help that these organisations provided can literally be lifesaving for people in distress.

"I can’t commend them enough and I am absolutely delighted that so many groups have been successful in securing funding to support their activities.

“The volunteers in community organisations delivering mental health and wellbeing support, often have first-hand experience and bring a wealth of knowledge, understanding and experience to the services they provide and this adds yet more value to the work they do as they can empathise and offer practical help to others in their time of need.

“Having access to valuable community mental health and wellbeing projects and support means that we have a range of early interventions for those facing mental health challenges."