A man who told a cop “I’m going to f*****g end you” went on to try and headbutt him whilst he was driving.

Steven Esnol was on Kilbowie Road at around 2.10am on September 24, 2022, when police saw him walking in their direction.

The 21-year-old then stuck his middle finger up to their vehicle and shouted “f*****g c***s”.

Officers stopped the vehicle and approached Esnol who was heavily intoxicated at the time and extremely aggressive.

He was arrested.

There was a short struggle during which Esnol was taken to the ground and as he was brought back to his feet he spat on an officer’s left arm.

Fiscal depute Euan Nicholson stated it was unclear as to whether the spit had landed on the officer’s clothing or skin.

After this Esnol told police “f*****g prove I just did that haha, you don’t have any body cameras”.

He was put in the back of a police vehicle but continued to act in an aggressive manner and said “I’m going to f*****g end you”.

During the journey to Clydebank police station, Esnol took off his seat belt and made attempts to attack the police officer in the front of the vehicle by trying to headbutt him whilst he was driving.

Once at the station, he was charged.

Esnol of Glasgow's Pollok appeared at Dumbarton Sheriff Court for sentencing on May 14 after pleading guilty to three charges.

The first was behaving in an aggressive and threatening manner by gesticulating in an offensive manner and repeatedly shouting, swearing, and uttering threats of violence.

The second was assaulting a police officer by spitting on him.

The third was assaulting a police officer during the course of a journey in a police vehicle to Clydebank police office by trying to headbutt him whilst he was driving.

Sheriff Lorna Anderson told Esnol that he had demonstrated some insight and remorse and that there is further work to be done and support to be offered.

Sheriff Anderson imposed a structured deferred sentence for three months.