A KNIGHTSWOOD man was found with thousands of pounds worth of drugs stashed in his car after police received an anonymous tip-off.

Brian Lawson appeared for sentencing at Glasgow Sheriff Court on May 8 after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply.

The court heard that officers had received an anonymous phone call at around 8.45pm on October 16, 2022.

The caller said that a black Audi was being driven in Maryhill and contained drugs.

Police on patrol at the time carried out a search and shortly after saw the reported vehicle parked on Fulton Street in Temple.

Lawson was spotted in the driver’s side alongside a man who was outside the car.

Officers stopped in front of the vehicle before going to the driver’s side and telling the 28-year-old he was being detained for a search.

During the search, a bag was recovered from the front passenger's footwell. It contained 514 grams of cannabis.

A second bag was also recovered containing 1053 grams of cannabis. The total value of the drugs was £5000.

Lawson was then arrested and taken to Clydebank police office where he was cautioned and charged and made no reply.

The offence was committed whilst Lawson was on bail.

His lawyer told the court that his client’s brother uses the drug daily for medical reasons.

The defence solicitor said: “He accepts that this was inappropriate in terms of the laws of this country.

“His brother requires to take it every day for medical reasons. Although the report says he doesn’t accept responsibility he is going to have to take responsibility as the court needs to punish him.

“This offence just about passes the threshold for custody but given his lack of previous offending I would ask you to impose an alternative to custody.”

Sheriff Mary Shields imposed a community payback order ruling that Lawson will have to complete 250 hours of unpaid work.