WEST Dunbartonshire has seen a rise in crime of more than 7 per cent since April last year according to a new report. 

Figures show a “notable” rise in shoplifting, vehicle crime and common theft – by the end of February 2024, there was an increase of 433 acquisitive crimes. 

During the most recent housing and communities committee, members were advised of the latest statistics recorded between April 2023 and February 2024. 

Drug supply crimes have increased from 66 to 84 while possession charges have seen a reduction from 578 to 523. 

Across Argyll and West Dunbartonshire, 46 people linked to serious and organised crime have been arrested and £513,974 has been seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

Crimes of violence have increased from 167 to 191 between April 2023 and February 2024 and anti-social behaviour has also seen a rise from 2205 to 2294. 

READ MORE: Number of deliberate fires set in West Dunbartonshire at five-year low

At the meeting, Clydebank Central councillor Sophie Traynor asked Police Scotland what was being done to provide assurance to members of the public after her constituents voiced their concerns about  a recent spate of attempted break-ins.

Councillor Traynor said: “There has been a recent spate of various crimes in the last few weeks in Clydebank – can you provide reassurances to the public about what you are doing to ensure their safety.

“There has been a number of attempted break-ins of houses and of vehicles recently that I have seen reported. This has been brought as a worry to myself by a range of constituents.”

A spokesperson for Police Scotland advised that they tried to share “good news stories” with communities where possible.

They said: “In terms of our social media we are trying to keep our residents up to date and that should give them a little bit of reassurance there as well.

"They will still continue our community policing on patrol and any incidents that do occur will be dealt with and will be dealt with robustly.

“Those all appear to be stand alone incidents, the ones you are discussing and I do know the ones to which you are referring but there isn’t any emerging trend with those and there is nothing we would be concerned about in the background that they would be related in any way.”