A LOCAL MP visited Drumchapel's Antonine Court to hear about plans to redevelop the site.

Proposals are underway to construct a new building that will offer additional places.

Antonine Court caters to adults with disabilities in west Glasgow, and East and West Dunbartonshire.

The day centre provides activities, rehabilitation, and support to adults with complex needs, including physical and learning difficulties.

Carol Monaghan, MP for Glasgow North West, visited on Thursday, February 8.

Speaking afterwards, she said: “Today was an opportunity to see first-hand the vital work performed at Antonine Court to support those living with disabilities and their families, enabling individuals to lead more fulfilling lives.

“I was very excited to hear about the new plans to rebuild the centre so that more people can take advantage of its services. I am proud that such outstanding services are available in Glasgow North West to people from the local area and beyond.”

The daily service caters to up to 25 people delivered by expert staff.

The centre, founded in the 1990s using EU financial aid, employs 29 people.