A FRONTLINE worker at a Clydebank hospital has been waiting three years for joint surgery – despite spending her days helping other patients receive their procedures.

The 52-year-old worker at the Golden Jubilee, who does not wish to be named, has been waiting patiently since 2021 for a knee replacement whilst aiding others who have been waiting less than a year to receive surgery.

The NHS staff member suffers excruciating pain during ten-hour shifts in theatres at the Dalmuir-based medical hub and, although she has twice been offered pre-op assessment appointments during her three-year spell on the waiting list, she has yet to have the procedure carried out.

Veteran politician at Scottish Labour Jackie Baillie raised the woman’s situation during a debate in Holyrood about ending long NHS waits and told the chamber the lady now suffers bone-on-bone pain as she helps patients receiving the surgery she awaits.

Ms Baillie said: “It may be a new year, but nothing has changed.

“Scotland saw in the new year with Accident and Emergency Departments in utter disarray as thousands of people – the sick; the injured, those needing medical intervention – experiencing long and dangerous waits.”

The deputy leader of Scottish Labour also blasted A&E data on four-hour waits and added: “The crisis in NHS and social care continues. And the SNP’s response: nothing to see here.

“In fact, it has been business as usual from the SNP and the NHS and its hardworking staff remain at breaking point.”

However, the Scottish Government hit back at Ms Baillie’s words, citing the recent cold spell and an increased level of flu and Covid cases.

Health Secretary Michael Matheson said: "I am clear that performance remains below the levels we all wish to see, and we continue to work closely with boards to support the delivery of sustained improvements.

“The heightened winter pressure being felt by our A&Es, which is not unique to Scotland, with similar challenges being felt by Emergency Departments throughout the UK, is being impacted by high levels of Flu and Covid as well as staff sickness.

"Our Winter Plan is supporting boards to maximise capacity to meet demand, including expanded Hospital at Home services that are helping more people receive care at home or as close to home as possible, where clinically appropriate.

“This aims to relieve pressure on the front door of our A&Es.

"Hospital bed occupancy also continues to be a factor impacting on performance. The Delayed Discharge and Hospital Occupancy Action Plan is being implemented at pace, delivering actions we know work to ensure patients receive the right care in the right setting."

Ms Baillie also listed the SNP’s failed pledges in her address, stating items such as eliminating two year waits by August 2022 and eliminating one year waits by March 2023.