Clydebank’s Provost paid tribute to a local men’s charity during a visit to mark International Men’s Day – and then witnessed them gain a unexpected cash windfall.

Last week, Provost Douglas McAllister visited Dalmuir-based charity the Men’s Shed to find out more about the good work they do to help men and men’s mental health.

The shed - on the grounds of Dalmuir Community Centre - is a place where the ‘shedders’ attend to either work, relax, make and repair, pursue hobbies and pastimes, and give practical help and make new friends.

And Provost McAllister couldn’t hide his appreciation for the volunteers and the work they have done to help local men since it was founded eight years ago.

Clydebank Post: Provost McAllister presented the team with a chequeProvost McAllister presented the team with a cheque (Image: Supplied)

He said: “It was my absolute pleasure to visit the Clydebank Men’s Shed and I was certainly made to feel very welcome.

“It is a great place for them to make new friends, develop skills or just meet up for a cup of tea, a chat and a laugh together. “Founded in 2015, the Clydebank Men’s Shed promotes positive mental health in men, combats exclusion and loneliness and encourages members to learn new skills while helping others in the community.

“It was important to me to visit and personally thank all involved at the Clydebank Men’s Shed for their quite outstanding work in the community and helping to support mental health of local men. “I was also very pleased to provide them with a small donation from the Provost’s Fund, which is the least the charity deserves for all the work it does to tackle the issues involved in social isolation and depression.

“It was certainly a great atmosphere at the shed when I visited and I was able to witness at first hand their quite outstanding work.”

There was further good news during the visit as the Men’s Shed team discovered they were to be given a £9,000 cash injection.

During the November 25 visit, it was announced the charity would receive the money following the recent Postcode Lottery in Old Kilpatrick.

Provost McAllister described it as “terrific” to be present when the members of Clydebank Men’s Shed heard news of this announcement.