A BANKIE businessman is calling on fellow Clydebank businesses to join him in sponsoring fundraising events for Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus (SBH Scotland) ahead of World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day.

Joe Walker of Joe Walker’s Carpets, Flooring and Window Blinds has been a long-time friend of the specialist charity and recently backed their annual We Love Lunch event, a lunch which welcomed 300 ladies from all over Scotland for an afternoon of fizz, fun, and games at the Glasgow Hilton Hotel.

The event raised more than £17,500, which will help SBH Scotland provide vital support to over 4,000 children, young people and adults who are impacted by the lifelong, complex conditions of spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus. 

Now Joe - who has been serving Bankies for more than 20 years - urged others to help the cause close to his heart.

He said: “SBH Scotland is a brilliant charity, which makes a real difference to the lives of many families across Scotland affected by spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus.

“The largest number of individuals supported is across Glasgow and Lanarkshire so it’s particularly important to us in Clydebank, especially when we know how much they have to raise each year.

“To mark World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day, we’re calling out to other businesses to offer their support to SBH Scotland to ensure the charity can continue to provide their life-changing services for many more years to come.

“This could be sponsoring events or choosing SBH Scotland as a nominated charity for the year. Whatever you can do will make a difference.”

The recent ladies' lunch on Sunday, October 8, saw one lucky lady taking home a beautiful diamond necklace worth almost £2,000, donated by diamond sponsor Chisholm Hunter.

And Deborah Roe of SBH Scotland explained help like Joe’s was imperative to their ongoing mission of disability aid.

She said: “Joe Walker has been a great friend of our charity for nearly four years, and we couldn’t be more thankful for their continued support.

“Thanks to their recent sponsorship of our annual Ladies Lunch, we were able to raise over £17,000, which will go directly towards our family support groups.

“These are a lifeline for families navigating the challenges brought about by rare disabilities.

“As members come together to uplift and empower one another, the impact ripples far beyond the confines of any meeting room, creating a legacy of compassion, understanding, and hope.

“We heavily rely on fundraising to reach our annual targets and with a goal of £1.5million to raise in 2023, corporate support is crucial to ensure that we can continue being there for families when they need us most.

“That’s why, as we approach World Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Day on Wednesday, October 25, we hope the generosity shown by the whole team at the Joe Walker Group inspires other businesses to get involved and make a positive difference in the lives of thousands of children, young people and adults.”