THE new owners of iconic Drumchapel bakery Mortons say they have pumped a seven-figure sum into the firm since rescuing it from liquidation.

Businessman John McIlvogue heads up the team of angel investors who took over the famous roll-maker in March as hundreds of Glaswegians feared for their jobs after the firm collapsed.

They managed to save around 110 posts but those who lost their positions have been left embroiled in a battle for their redundancy cash, with many thousands of pounds out of pocket.

Mr McIlvogie has pledged to do ‘all he can’ to try and sort out the wrangle and said that he remains ‘totally committed’ to the company and the workforce.

Mr McIlvogue said: “Since we got involved with Mortons Rolls a few months ago, a seven-figure sum has been invested into improving the infrastructure of the factory, paying bills and meeting running costs to getting everything properly up and running.

“We are starting to get the place back on its feet, and I’m delighted to see that progress. A lot of hard work has gone into reviving Mortons and getting this incredibly popular brand back in business. We are totally immersed in this project and I want everyone to know that we are here for the long haul.”

Clydebank Post:

Mr McIlvogue was previously quoted as saying that he won’t rest until the 300 workers who previously manned the factory and its delivery operation were back on the payroll, however scores of workers are still fighting to receive the redundancy payments they are owed.

It comes as GMB Scotland and Thompsons solicitors have joined the fight to get the workers the cash they are due, with both believing the responsibility for settling the debt lies with the government's Redundancy Payment Service (RPS). They however have told ex-employees that they will not be paying out after ruling the firm was insolvent when it was rescued by Mr McIlvogue and the other angel investors. They claim a TUPE transfer took place, meaning that the roles were legally transferred to the new owners Phoenix Volt, who insist that they have the documents to prove that the alleged TUPE transaction never took place.

The entrepreneur says that he is determined to help those who have been left struggling to make ends meet in their continuing redundancy fight.

Clydebank Post:

He added: “I really feel for the workforce who have been impacted by what happened prior to us getting involved and I want to try and help find a resolution for them. I need to be clear, we are not responsible for the redundancy monies owed and I have the documentation to support that position, but I feel it is only right that I do all I can to try and get these guys the settlement they are entitled to from the government – and I will continue to do so.”