A DUNTOCHER man who went on a thieving spree also threatened to stab a shop worker.

Russell Green committed a series of thefts over a three-month period from July until September 2021.

On July 18, 2021, he stole £21.80 worth of cigarettes from Esso at the Lomondgate roundabout and £19.98 worth of cigarettes at BP Lomond Service station in Alexandria.

Green also attended Clydebank Co-op on Kilbowie Road and stole £30.35 worth of cigarettes.

Fiscal depute Tiffany Chisholm told Dumbarton Sheriff Court that none of the goods were recovered.

A few days later on July 23, police were on patrol when Green, who was driving at the time, came to their attention on North Elgin Street.

Whilst at a red traffic light, officers signalled for him to pull over, but the 39-year-old refused to stop immediately, ran the light and instead pulled over on Glasgow Road.

When police approached his car, they noticed his eyes were glazed and his speech was slurred.

Green, of Beeches Road, passed a roadside breath test but returned a positive result for cocaine. He was then taken to Clydebank police station.

On August 31, Green entered Go Outdoors on Livingstone Street.

However, a worker chased him out of the shop and Green shouted 'I'll stab you. I've got a knife' whilst his hand was in his jacket pocket.

On September 12, 2021, he stole £108.50 worth of cigarettes and a drink from Shell Garage on Great Western Road and £14.90 worth of alcohol from Tesco in Hardgate.

Months later on January 15, 2022, he stole from Tesco in Hardgate for a second time when he took £114 worth of cigarettes.

Previously, the Post told how Green was spared jail in 2020 after threatening an 11-year-old boy and was told by the sheriff he was “millimetres away” from being locked up.

Green appeared for sentencing on May 9 after he previously pleaded guilty to six theft charges.

He also admitted to driving a car whilst unfit through drink and drugs, failing to stop when requested to do so by police, uttering threats of violence and placing an employee of Go Outdoors in a state of fear and alarm.

During the sentencing, Green's solicitor said: "He could not recall any of these offences. From January 2021 until early 2022 his life was blighted by alcohol and drugs.

"He should have known better. To his credit, he has taken steps since that particular time. He tells me that he has now detoxed from alcohol and drugs. He has attempted to turn his life around. It is hoped he can move from here as it was some considerable time ago.

"He is remorseful of his offending but he has attempted to do something with his life."

Sheriff Sukhwinder Gill said: "This whole case has dragged on for a number of years with the Crown adjourning, warrants for his arrest and Covid."

The sheriff disqualified him from driving for 43 months and ordered him to complete 180 hours of unpaid work.

A restriction of liberty order was also imposed, ordering Green to remain in his home from 8pm-6am for four months.

Sheriff Gill added: "I see that you have a number of previous convictions. You had no recollection of any of the offences because you were going through a period of drink and drugs and you now have a more stable life."