IT was all smiles on deck as Clydebank’s Sea Cadets made the most of the recent mid-term break with a trip to Newcastle.

The group made the journey on February 12 to the Derwenthaugh Sea Cadet Training Site near Gateshead where they stayed for three days.

The aim of the trip was to have fun and explore the area.

Peter Adams, chair of the Clydebank Sea Cadets, told the Post demand for the trip was “huge”.

Youngsters, aged between ten and 17, huddled in to two mini buses and three cars and sang the whole way to the Toon.

On their way they also visited Hadrian’s Wall and the Roman Settlement at Vindolanda.

Of course, no Sea Cadets trip would be complete without meeting up with other groups.

The Clydebank members met up with the Gateshead group for a day of fun at the Metro Centre.

Brian Gray, Gateshead’s commanding officer, praised the young Bankies as “smart and enthusiastic”.

Nadine Daly, Clydebank’s commanding officer, added: “I was pleased at such an interest shown by the cadets in seeing other parts, especially when only a few years ago it was difficult to get them to leave Clydebank.

“However, now that we have awoken their sense of adventure and there’s no stopping them, I really hope that we can purchase a mini bus to keep the cadets


All of the photographs were taken by keen photographer and sea cadet Aaron.

The 12-year-old said: “I enjoyed the visit and all the different sights and we were lucky to have such good weather especially as I enjoyed taking photos.

“I hope to buy a camera for my next birthday.”