TESCO has become the latest supermarket chain in Clydebank to introduce limits on the sale of fresh vegetables.

The company is introducing restrictions on the number of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers each customer is allowed to buy, due to supply shortages.

Limits were previously introduced by Asda in the town and at its stores across the UK on Tuesday.

Customers at Tesco, which has a Tesco express store in Hardgate, will be able to buy three of each restricted item.

Similar rules have also been brought in at Aldi and Asda.

Many of these types of produce are imported from Spain and north Africa, where extreme weather has affected recent harvests, leaving shelves empty across the country.

The British Retail Consortium, which represents supermarkets, says the restrictions are due to last for a few weeks until the UK growing season gets underway and supplies can be sourced closer to home.