**Warning: The picture below may upset some readers**

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A TURTLE found abandoned with severe paw injuries in Yoker has had to be put to sleep.

The creature was discovered on a flag pole in the freezing cold this morning (January 20) by a member of the public who was out walking her dog.

The woman who found the turtle took him home to warm him up, but she said that his paws were still bleeding and his back ones "were ripped off to the bone".

Clydebank Post:

She said she had called the Scottish SPCA to ask for help, but that representatives from the animal charity had told her the pet's injuries were so severe it would have to be put down.

The animal charity also confirmed to her that the turtle was a pet animal that had to be abandoned. 

The woman, who works as a dog boarder at Paws BOARD Inn, told the Post: "I found him this morning frozen like a rock. It didn't take me even seconds to think. I just took him home hoping I can save him.

"So the SSPCA came to take him and unfortunately due to severe paw injuries he had suffered too much and they decided to put him to sleep forever.

"It's so cruel somebody abandoned him and let him suffer that much.

"Whoever did this: you caused a lot of pain and suffering."

And people have since spoken of their outrage on social media

One person said: "That is so sad. How can anyone be so cruel. Thank god you found him. I know the outcome wasn't good but at least you cared for him."

And nother added: "That's so sad, poor wee thing. Thank you for finding him and having the heart to care enough to rescue him.

"Thankfully he will suffer no more because you did a good thing and cared."

The SSPCA has been approached for comment.