Funding of up to £2,000 will be used to create a photo album and educational DVD of the 80th anniversary commemorations of the Clydebank Blitz.

The money had previously been earmarked for a trip from the Provost, Bailie Denis Agnew, and a couple of other West Dunbartonshire councillors to meet the mayor of Letterkenny as part of a town-twinning arrangement.  

An update was brought before the special cultural committee on Monday where council officer George Hawthorn confirmed that a visit from the mayor of Letterkenny was unlikely to take place before the election. 

Mr Hawthorn said: “We don’t know what will happen beyond the election but for now that is the position.

“The good news is that the [town-twinning] signage has been ordered and they have instructed installation as soon as possible so that work will be getting done in due course.

“In terms of the photo album, all the content has been agreed which will be put into the remembrance room in Clydebank.

“Really that just leaves us with the outstanding earmarked funds of £2,000 which has not been used from that fund for this project.”

Bailie Agnew suggested this money be used to complete the Blitz album and produce a DVD which will be distributed amongst schools across West Dunbartonshire as well as organisations with connections to WDC.

He said: “I agree with the comments said about Letterkenny, although that money was earmarked for councillors who were going to travel to Letterkenny [to meet with the mayor] that never materialised and that money was never used.

“The £2,000 is still there and I would be proposing that up to that amount be spent to complete the Blitz album and perhaps produce a DVD from all the events which could be distributed to all our schools and associated organisations.”

Council leader Jonathan McColl said he thought that was a reasonable request.

He said: “We had previously talked about doing something like this but funds were tight.

“This money not being used for the Letterkenny trip means there is a nice crowning of our 80th anniversary commemorations.

“It will be a good educational resource for schools learning about WWII and means future generations will remember – Lest we forget the mistakes of the past.”