YOUNGSTERS between the ages of five and 12 have been making the most of the summer season at Centre 81’s Sun’s Out Fun’s Out programme.

Eilish McAleer, project coordinator of Centre 81 Steering Group, said: “We’ve had football coaches in, dance coaches, an art teacher, baking lessons going on, and we’ve taken the kids out to the park where they all get a free lunch.

“We’ve also got a community garden which the kids go out and help the local gardener with.

“He’s been very accommodating and has made sure that all the kids have a plant to take home with them.

“We’ve been really busy this summer with all the activities going on.

“The kids have been loving it and the weather we’ve had over the past two weeks has been amazing.

“A lot of the kids in the area don’t have gardens because they live in flats, so to get them out and about has been brilliant.”