St Stephen’s Primary School has been rated “good” and “satisfactory” across four different categories during a recent inspection.

Education Scotland paid a visit to the Second Avenue school in January 2020.

Inspectors rated the leadership of change as satisfactory, learning, teaching and assessment as satisfactory, raising attainment and achievement as good and ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion as good.

At the time of the inspection, 231 pupils were enrolled at St Stephen’s. A total of 136 completed a questionnaire in which 84 per cent said the school helps them to feel safe. Nearly all (94 per cent) of pupils said the school helps them to understand and respect other people.

But 18 per cent of pupils said they disagreed with the fact that their homework helps them to understand and improve their school work.

Read more: Council urges pupils to keep up efforts with 'vast resources' available online

When 59 parents where questioned, less than half (40 per cent) strongly agreed that their child finds their learning activities hard enough.

Meanwhile, 68 per cent strongly agreed that their child likes attending the school, and 63 per cent strongly felt that the staff really know their child as an individual.

A total of 14 teachers were also surveyed, and 79 per cent of the staff said they found it rewarding to be a worker at St Stephen’s.

The head teacher was asked by inspectors to improve the development of a curriculum that enables children to improve their knowledge and skills across all curricular areas.

But, Education Scotland said they are confident the school has the capacity to continue to improve so will make no more visits in connection with the inspection.