Golden Friendships has agreed to purchase premises to have a place they can call their own.

The charity, which tackles loneliness, has been operating from the 543 Club in Dalmuir for more than two years and was offered the chance to buy the building.

Founder Jim McLaren said: “It’s definitely happening – it’s already ours. We have signed the paperwork and pay at the start of July.”

A JustGiving page with a target of £80,000 has been set up and Jim is confident the sum will be raised.

He added: “A lot of people are fundraising for us.

“There is going to be golf days, race nights, charity football matches and entertainment nights.

“There are lots of people doing things for us.

“Buying the club will make it easier to run Golden Friendships. We will have our own place rather than having to set the hall up every time and put it all away, then set everything up again.

“We will able to put a lot more on and have more concrete plans.

“All the existing clubs will still be here – nobody will be getting put out the building.

“We want it to be a public community space for disabled people, those with special needs, the elderly and pensioners.

“We will have entertainment on for them all.”

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The current owners, Lodge St John Dalmuir, have been running the club since 1937.

The group has already managed to purchase a ramp and the cost of the instalment thanks to a grant from West Dunbartonshire Council’s community budgeting.

Nearly 2,000 people voted for the charity to receive £3,500 in funding for the ramp to be built.

Members of the Golden Friendships Board Jackie Maceira and Margaret Maceira say they are delighted with the new addition because it’s much needed.

They added: “It means people can be independent and come in themselves rather than needing help. We’re all about independence.

“The club’s really busy, its packed every day. There are at least 30 who use wheelchairs but we got it for everybody. It will help anyone who is disabled and the elderly who come as well.

“It’s going to make a big difference.

“It means more people will come to the club once they know they can get in on their own, as they won’t need someone to bring them or arrange assistance beforehand.

“We’re delighted so many people voted for us – we couldn’t believe the numbers.”

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A sponsored walk has been organised to raise funds towards the purchase of the club and will take place on Sunday, March 24.

For more information or if you would like to get involved please contact Jim on 07957 568 330.