Householders in West Dunbartonshire have been given advice on how to dispose of their real Christmas trees.

The council says residents should bring real - not artificial - trees to any of the household waste recycling centres at Dalmoak, Renton, and Ferry Road, Old Kilpatrick, or leave them next to their brown bins (not inside them) for a kerbside collection.

Residents should remove any decorations before placing the tree out for collection.

Cut the tree in half if it is bigger than your brown bin.

Put the brown bin out next to the tree, even if it is empty, so the crews know to stop at your property.

The council says the Christmas tree collection scheme is only for properties which have a kerbside co-mingled food and garden waste collection.

Other properties should bring their trees to one of the household waste recycling centres.

This uplift service does not apply to artificial or plastic Christmas trees, which should be taken to a recycling centre.