PUPILS from St Peter the Apostle High School met two of America's top food experts last week, and learned all about food on the Scottish Government's 'Cooking Bus'. Pupils joined Dr Janey Thornton, US Deputy Under Secretary of State for Food and Nutrition and Dr Sneed, Professor of Hospitality Management and Dietetics, to find out more about Scottish cooking and what job opportunities exist within the food industry.

The Cooking Bus, which arrived at the school on Monday, gives pupils on-board lessons on how to cook simple healthy meals as well as essential food handling and preparation skills. Top of the menu is to learn about vital food issues like nutrition, hygiene and recycling.

The project also gives pupils and their teachers the opportunity to enjoy specially tailored classes in a safe, well-equipped mobile kitchen.

Michael Vassie, head teacher, said: "I am delighted to welcome such high profile visitors to the school and show how committed we are to our pupils health. Our pupils have been very excited about the bus this week and we hope it has helped teach them about the benefits of cooking which is a key life skill. We believe it is important for pupils to understand the benefit of healthy eating to enable them make informed choices in their future."